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OpsLevel vs. Backstage io

Get everything you need out of the box with OpsLevel.

No surprise costs, hours searching for the backstage plugins you need, or months spent building before you actually get your service catalog. Give your teams a tool not another project.

OpsLevel vs Backstage
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More than another service catalog

Visibility on day one

Spin up your service catalog and get up and running within a few hours. Catalog everything, measure service health, and start actioning on improvements in days, not months.

OpsLevel vs Backstage
OpsLevel vs Backstage

Automatically catalog your services

Detect services and infrastructure on day one. Don't spend weeks or months building your catalog with Backstage. Get a complete picture now.

Improve the developer experience

Service templates, automated actions, tech and API docs, clear ownership, rich metadata — everything where you need it in an intuitive UI.

OpsLevel vs Backstage
OpsLevel vs Backstage

Best Backstage io Alternative: The OpsLevel Developer Portal