November 2023 release notes

New “System Defined” check available ✅
Use the new “System Defined” service metadata check to ensure all of your services are attached to a system. Read the docs here.

Changes to OpsLevel.yml 🛠️
We now scan all folders when importing repos and find all opslevel.yml configuration files, to ensure we are importing an accurate record of customer accounts. Read the docs here.
Scorecards are no longer in Beta 🆕
We’ve removed the Beta tag from Scorecards and have rolled this feature out to all customers. Scorecards can be used to roll out a new series of standards for a specific team or related to a discreet topic. Read the docs here.
GraphiQL updates 😎
We’ve made updates to our GraphiQL to support dark mode, improved speeds, and better schema validations. Read the docs here.